2009年8月18日 星期二

Kill u-boot in the beagle board

If you want to boot up Linux kernel on the beagle board. You need to have two different-phase bootloaders for kernel. The first phase is xloader which take cares CPU, memory, vector table setup stuff. The second one is uboot, it provides interactive commands, verbose booting environment setup, initialization for lots perhiphals of SoC. Of course, it loads the kernel image eventually. But it might not be the best choice for you. Sometimes you just want to get into the kernel, that's it.

I did some dirty hack here:


which against xloader

After applying these patches, you just need to put your xloader(MLO) and your kernel into SD card. Make beagle board boot from SDcard then. You will get a running kernel. But this is still not flexible somehow. Like, you need to edit and re-compile the xloader to change your kernel cmdline. My next plan is to support Qi boot loader in the beagle board.

